Source code for pyrams.thermo

""" Contains functions for derived thermodynamic variables """
cp = 1004
R = 287
p0 = 1000

[docs]def temperature(theta, pi, celsius=False): """ Calculates temperature from RAMS output (Exner function) Arguments --------- theta : ndarray Potential temperature (Kelvin) pi : ndarray Exner function * Cp (J/(kg*K)) celsius : bool Default=False, return values in degrees Celsius Returns ------- temperature : ndarray Temperature (Kelvin or Celsius) """ T = theta * pi / cp if celsius: T = T - 273.15 return T
[docs]def pressure(pi): """ Calculates pressure from Exner function Arguments --------- pi : ndarray Exner function * Cp (J/(kg*K)) Returns ------- pressure : ndarray Pressure (hPa) """ p = p0*(pi/cp)**(cp/R) return p
[docs]def wsat(theta, pi): """ Calculates saturation water vapor pressure from temperature and pressure (RAMS specific calculation) Arguments --------- theta : ndarray Potential temperature (Kelvin) pi : ndarray Exner function * Cp (J/(kg*K)) Returns ------- wsat : ndarray Saturation water vapor pressure (hPa) """ # RAMS specific calcuation T = temperature(theta, pi, celsius=True) p = pressure(pi) c0 = 0.6105851e3 c1 = 0.4440316e2 c2 = 0.1430341e1 c3 = 0.2641412e-1 c4 = 0.2995057e-3 c5 = 0.2031998e-5 c6 = 0.6936113e-8 c7 = 0.2564861e-11 c8 = -0.3704404e-13 T[T < -80] = -80 x = T es = c0+x*(c1+x*(c2+x*(c3+x*(c4+x*(c5+x*(c6+x*(c7+x*c8))))))) ws = 0.622 * es/(p*100 - es) return ws
[docs]def rh(rv, theta, pi): """ Calculate relative humidity Arguments --------- rv : ndarray Water vapor pressure from RAMS output (hPa) theta : ndarray Potential temperature (Kelvin) pi : ndarray Exner function * Cp (J/(kg*K)) Returns ------- relative humidity : ndarray Relative humidity (fraction) """ ws = wsat(theta, pi) rh = rv/ws * 100 return rh
[docs]def mslp(temp, press, height): """ Calculate the mean sea level pressure Parameters ------ temp : numpy.ndarray Temperature in Celsius press: numpy.ndarray Pressure in hPa height: numpy.ndarray height of the terrain in meters Returns ------- p0 : numpy.ndarray The MSLP pressure (hPa) """ # p0 = press*(1-(0.0065*height)/(temp + 0.0065*height + 273.15))**-5.257 p0 = press * (1-(0.0065*height)/(temp+0.0065*height + 273.15))**-5.257 return(p0)