Fixing dimensions

RAMS output, by default, uses dimensions named phony_dim_0, phony_dim_1, etc. The problem lies when two dimensions have the same size. For example below, the data has the dimensions ['z', 'y', 'x'] = [300, 32, 32].

netcdf c-A-2008-08-31-000000-g1 {
        phony_dim_0 = 32 ;
        phony_dim_1 = 200 ;
        float AGGREGATET(phony_dim_1, phony_dim_0, phony_dim_0) ;

However, since x=y=32, RAMS assigns the dimension phony_dim_0 to both x and y, causing errors notably in xr.open_mfdataset()

PyRAMS has two ways of overcoming this problem. The first is to rebuild the xr.Dataset with the correct dimenions using fix_duplicate_dims <apiref.html#pyrams.data_tools.fix_duplicate_dims>/

from pyrams.data_tools import fix_duplicate_dims

ds = xr.open_dataset('./dataset.h5')

# This line will replace 'phony_dim_0' with 'x' and 'y'
ds_new = fix_duplicate_dims(ds, ['y', 'x'], 'phony_dim_0')

You can also rewrite a list of RAMS output files into netCDF with renamed dimensions:

from pyrams.data_tools import rewrite_to_netcdf
from glob import glob

flist = glob('/path/to/files/*.h5')
rewrite_to_netcdf(flist, '/path/to/write/files/', ['y', 'x'], 'phony_dim_0', prefix='dimfix')
# prefix is optional, and defaults to 'dimfix'